วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

The Uniqueness of Missoni

To Uniqueness of Angela Missoni stands her alone and away from any other designer. A garment designed by Angela easily is picked out of a line of impressive fashions. Even though Angela Missoni had been involved in the family fashion business she was determined not to follow in the footsteps of her parent. After having several career from managing a children's playground to raising organic chickens, she was drawn back to her natural roots and began designing jewelry. Her father offered her a position in the company claiming that the diversity could keep her working in her own department out of the daily reaches of her parents. Angela soon began designing fashion collections. Her collections were varied. One collection saw accessories added, another some knits, as she always battled to be unique and different. One day her mother said she felt Angela's lines should be what Missoni should be about. Her desire is fueled by her uniqueness. She never wanted to be like any other designer. Angela prides herself in knowing that nothing else in the fashion world looks quite like a Missoni design. From it's inception in 1953 Missoni was very experimental. Sometime during the 1980s it lost its way and became intrenched in the more classic looks and styles. With the help of Angela it has found its way back to its roots. The designs are once again bold, funky, younger looking. So watch for the new face or shall we say old face of the well known Missoni family with Angela now leading the way. Angela's designs have been worn by many famous stars such as Sandra Bullock, Eva Mendes, Rachel Blanchard, Debra Messing and Sheryl Crow. It's going to be an exciting season with Angela's imagination running wild what we will see on the runway this season can only be left to the imagination. Keep your eyes wide open! Sher from Estate Jewelry International has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing fashion, jewelry, and wedding help. Please visit us at <a target="_new" href="http://www.estatejewelryinternational.com/">http://www.estatejewelryinternational.com/</a>
